Earn Your Spot at the Health Emergency Risk Compliance Training Program Free of Charge!

Health Emergency Risk Compliance Training Program was officially inaugurated during a press conference held for the purpose on 11th October 2020 at the Ministry of Tourism. The training program is an initiative of the Ministry which will be conducted in collaboration with European Institute for Export Compliance (EIFEC) and Maldives National University (MNU). Although we have previously covered the information regarding the program, we are back on the topic to inform you some changes that has been made to the initial plan.

We will look at the things which remained the same at first. One could only enroll for the program through a local council or a guesthouse. The program will be held virtually and is still free of charge and will be conducted in English language. It will facilitate 830 participants altogether.

The dates which the program is scheduled to take place, however, has changed. It is set to be held on a 4-day stretch for 2.5 hours per day between the period; 1-12th November 2020. As a result, the deadline for applications has been extended up until 28th October 2020. You may send your applications to qa@tourism.gov.mv.

Participants of the training program will be taught to adhere to international standards and best practices which will effectively assure the highest quality of services at all our tourist establishments making it even more reputable than it already is. 

(Cover Photo: MoT)