Education is a key to achieve success in life, whereas, teachers are the ones bestowing this key to their students. Teaching is the professions that teachers all other professions and their influence extends beyond the classroom shaping a pathway for an entirety of life; in which, no one can pinpoint to where there influence stops.
Maldives marks every 5th of October as Teachers Day, just as the rest of the world, as a day dedicated to express gratitude towards teachers and appreciate their tireless work in being a mentor to countless persons. Nonetheless, one day is not enough to celebrate the patience and sacrifices of teachers, especially this year. When the COVID-19 outbreak hit the country hard and it was no longer safe to attend school, teachers were given a nick of time prepare and shift to virtual learning with almost little to no training for it.
Teachers were pretty much students during the lockdown period, learning and familiarizing themselves with new technology, in order to facilitate education amidst the lockdown. They may not have been frontline workers during the pandemic, but their commitment to their job is as equally important. Thus, they are our unsung heroes.
Yesterday, schools in the Greater Male’ Area was opened by the Ministry of Education, commencing physical teaching for grades 9 to 12 whereas online classes are in continuance for lower grade students. Whether you are learning online or at school, I sincerely hope that all students take time out of their day to reach out to all their teachers on the occasion.
Happy Teachers Day!