New Amendments Proposed to Civil Service Act Calls To Allocate 2 Seats For Women At The Civil Service Commission

MP of Addu City, Meedhoo Constituency, Rozaina Adam who is also the chair of the Committee on Independent Institutions has proposed an amendment to the Civil Service Act which hopes to allocate at least two chairs from the five in the Civil Service Commission for women. However, the amendment stipulates that existing members can finish their terms.

The current Civil Service Act does not specify the gender of the members of the Civil Service Commission – however so, there are two female members in the President of the Civil Services Commission Fathmath Ameera and Member Fathimath Shareef.

It also changes the procedure of how the members are allocated for the Commission. Presently, the Parliament makes a public announcement for membership who then evaluates the applications and sends recommended names to the President who makes the ultimate decision. With the new amendment, the President will be sending the names to the parliament – with no more than three extra names to the number required.

Apart from this, the new amendment also proposes to increase the maximum age for Civil Servants from 55 to 60 and a structure for disabled individuals to be employed as Civil Servants. It also states to give the Ministers the power to remove permanent secretaries from their respective Ministries.

The amendment will only come into force once the parliament passes the bill and the President ratifies it.