From a young age, Mariyam Mooha Midhath took a keen interest on problem-solving. So it comes as no surprise when she states that her favorite subjects during her time at school were Mathematics and Physics. When choosing a career path, something that fell in line with both the subjects was engineering but Mooha was more than sure this was the way to go.
Engineering has always been perceived as difficult, complicated, grimy and a man’s profession. This explains why when Mooha enrolled into the University, she was the only female in a class about 30 students. Of course, people gave her endless questioning stares and also have straight up asked why she was there in the first place – but stereotypical views is not a good enough reason to stop one from chasing her dreams and the amount of female lecturers in Mooha’s University teaching the engineering-related subjects was testament to that.
And as similar to her other male classmates, she graduated from University and began her journey working in a male-dominated field as a Mechanical Engineer. At present, Mooha works at the capacity of an Assistant Engineer at STELCO. Her main tasks included of researching new and emerging technology with focus on green technology and also data analysis amongst other things.
As cool as this sounds, Mooha’s experience working in male-dominated environment was by no means easy. Feeling less welcomed at her work place, she found herself having to work harder than her male colleagues to prove herself to be capable nor was her work getting the same recognition as that of her male colleagues. Nevertheless, her perseverance has made somewhat of an impact whereby people are less stereotypical than they were at the start and was more accepting of her work.
Mooha’s solution as a woman was not limiting herself to the gender-stereotypes that was set by the society and she hopes that more girls and women follow her footsteps.