Elevator Installation Underway in Hiyaa Flats with USD 18 Million Budget

The installation of 32 new elevators in the Hiyaa flats is underway, with a total cost of USD 18 million (MVR 278 million), according to Housing Development Corporation (HDC) Managing Director Ibrahim Fazul Rasheed.

In response to questions from the Parliament's Public Accounts Committee, Fazul explained that two elevators will be installed in each of the Hiyaa towers. One will be large enough to accommodate stretchers, while the other will have a capacity of about 14 people.

Originally, MVR 200 million was allocated for the project, but the budget was later reduced to MVR 100 million. The contract for the elevator installation was awarded to China’s Shenyang Yuanda Intellectual Industry Group Co., Ltd. last February.

Currently, about 50,000 people live in the Hiyaa flats, and residents have raised concerns about the difficulties in using the existing elevators. The new installations aim to improve accessibility and ease of movement across the 16 towers.