First Lady Urges Breast Cancer Screening for Women Over 40

At the National Symposium on Breast Cancer Awareness, First Lady Sajida Mohammed emphasized the critical importance of breast cancer screening for all women over the age of 40. She called for immediate action, noting that the incidence of breast cancer is on the rise and that this serious illness affects women even after recovery.

Madam Sajida stressed the need for greater public awareness about breast cancer to help reduce its prevalence. She highlighted the importance of early detection through mammograms, stating, “Breast cancer can be cured if detected early.” The First Lady reassured attendees that a 3D mammogram is now available at IGMH, eliminating the need for women to seek these services abroad.

She also noted that various cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, are accessible within the Maldives, reflecting the government’s commitment to improving cancer care. Furthermore, the government is taking steps to combat cancer by amending laws to prevent vaping, which contributes to cancer rates.

The symposium, which has been held four times previously, aims to educate women about breast cancer and explore preventive measures. It is organized in collaboration with STO Medical Services, AstraZeneca Care, and IGMH, reinforcing a collective effort to raise awareness and promote early detection of breast cancer in the community.