STELCO Enhances Power Services with Central SCADA System

State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) is prioritizing significant improvements in its electricity services to address frequent customer complaints about high bills and power outages. While customers can currently track their electricity usage, STELCO is enhancing its outreach to provide practical tips for reducing consumption and recognizing the need for simpler methods to address issues.

A major challenge for STELCO has been the lengthy restoration times during technical outages, particularly from severed wires or engine failures on islands. To tackle this, the company is implementing a Central SCADA System at its headquarters, which will unify electricity management across all 35 islands served by STELCO. This system is expected to expedite the resolution of service interruptions.

The Central SCADA System is a top priority for the company. Once operational, it will enable customers to manage their electricity use more effectively and facilitate quicker resolutions to power outages.

Currently, addressing electricity issues involves lengthy communication processes between the headquarters and the islands. This complexity often leads to service interruptions, especially during emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first step in preparing for emergencies involved identifying necessary improvements. A critical need for continuous monitoring of electricity from a single location was recognized. The SCADA system will allow real-time data collection from islands, providing a comprehensive overview of usage and performance.

One key feature of the system is its ability to operate power systems remotely. This means that instead of sending a technician to an island for every problem, many issues can be assessed and resolved from headquarters. The power station in Vilingili, for example, can be controlled from Male’, ensuring a rapid response to outages.

The Central SCADA System will be developed in phases. The initial phase focuses on equipping island feeders to monitor electricity load and usage effectively. This capability will enable the company to identify areas of high usage and respond promptly to fluctuations in demand.

By monitoring electricity consumption in real time, STELCO can optimize its operations. The system also allows for coordinated management of power stations across islands, significantly enhancing operational efficiency. If a power issue arises in one island, staff can troubleshoot and manage the situation without needing immediate physical presence.

In addition to improving response times, the Central SCADA System will compile extensive data on island demographics and development projects. This information will be invaluable for planning future improvements and services, enabling STELCO to respond swiftly and effectively to customer needs.

The company is also working towards installing smart meters in households across the islands within the next three years. These smart meters will further enhance the features of the SCADA system, helping customers better manage their electricity usage while streamlining service provision for STELCO.

By focusing on innovative solutions like the Central SCADA System and smart meters, STELCO aims to resolve current challenges and lay the groundwork for a more efficient and customer-friendly electricity service in the future. The company’s commitment to using local expertise in developing these systems demonstrates its dedication to improving the lives of residents across the islands it serves.