Dhivehi Red Crescent and Dhiraagu Renew Humanitarian Partnership for 2024-2025

Red Crescent has announced the renewal of its partnership with the 'Partners for Humanity Initiative' for the 2024-2025 period. This extended collaboration with Dhiraagu will continue to support and enhance the humanitarian services provided by Red Crescent, including disaster relief and psychosocial assistance.

Dhiraagu’s involvement as a partner will provide sustainable support, ensuring that Red Crescent can offer vital services to vulnerable populations during emergencies and in everyday situations. This partnership will also focus on training charitable workers, further improving their ability to deliver effective aid and support.

In a statement marking World Humanitarian Day, Mohammed Mirshan Hassan, Dhiraagu’s Director of Brand and Marketing Communications, expressed enthusiasm about the renewed partnership. He highlighted the valuable contributions of the Red Crescent team and emphasized the positive impact of their combined efforts.

The Red Crescent also acknowledged Dhiraagu’s ongoing support, which has been instrumental in expanding their services over the years. The renewed partnership will not only strengthen their existing relationship but also enhance their capacity to assist the most vulnerable in times of crisis and beyond.