MIFCO Team Heads to World's Biggest Tuna Conference in Thailand

A team from the Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) is in Thailand to take part in the 18th Infofish World Tuna Conference and Exhibition. This major event, which started yesterday at the Shangri-La Hotel and runs through Tuesday, gathers key players in the global seafood industry.
CEO Ahmed Shamah Rasheed is leading the MIFCO delegation, along with several senior officials. The conference is the largest of its kind, bringing together companies and associations involved in the processing, marketing, and sale of fish products. For MIFCO, it’s a chance to make new connections and explore innovative strategies.
"Our main goal at this conference is to find new ways to boost MIFCO's capacity and improve the services we offer to our fishermen," said CEO Shamah. "We want to increase their income and address the challenges they face." He emphasized the importance of working closely with fishermen to strengthen MIFCO's operations and ensure mutual growth.
The conference is also an opportunity for MIFCO to showcase its products to an international audience, attract new customers, and expand its market reach. By engaging with industry leaders and stakeholders, MIFCO hopes to strengthen its position in the global seafood market and contribute to the sustainable development of the fishing industry.
Key topics at the Infofish World Tuna Conference include the challenges in industrial production and the importance of sustainable fishing practices. With sustainability becoming a critical focus worldwide, discussions will delve into methods to ensure that the fishing industry continues to thrive without compromising future resources.
By attending this conference, MIFCO aims to stay ahead of industry trends and adopt best practices that can be implemented back home. This proactive approach is expected to not only enhance the company's operations but also provide significant benefits to the Maldivian fishing community.
The Infofish World Tuna Conference and Exhibition is a crucial event for industry stakeholders to exchange knowledge, share experiences, and build partnerships that can drive the future of the tuna industry. For MIFCO, this participation underscores their commitment to supporting local fishermen and advancing the Maldivian fishing sector on the global stage.
In summary, the MIFCO team's presence at the world's largest tuna conference is a strategic move to explore new opportunities, strengthen industry ties, and promote the sustainable growth of the fishing industry. By attending this event, MIFCO reaffirms its dedication to improving the livelihoods of fishermen and enhancing its contributions to the global seafood market.