Dhiraagu Drives Sustainable Development Through Digital Innovation

Dhiraagu, the leading telecommunications provider in the Maldives, celebrated World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2024 with a special event held at Maldives National University. The gathering brought together key industry stakeholders, including the Chief Executive of Communication Authority of Maldives (CAM), Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, and Dhiraagu's CEO & Managing Director, Mr. Ismail Rasheed, alongside university students. The aim of the event was to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders to embrace digital tools and drive innovation for prosperity.
Mr. Ismail Rasheed reiterated Dhiraagu's commitment to leveraging digital innovation for societal and environmental benefit. "We are committed to harnessing the power of digital innovation to create a positive impact on society and the environment," he stated. "We will continue empowering communities with enhanced digital infrastructure, platforms, and tools for a sustainable digital economy."
Mr. Ilyas Ahmed, the Chief Executive of Communication Authority of Maldives, encouraged young people to fearlessly present their ideas and emphasized the importance of collaboration in achieving a sustainable future.
A highlight of the event was a panel discussion centered on this year’s theme, ‘Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development’. The panel featured experts from various fields, including Ismail Faiz - Head of Cybersecurity at Dhiraagu, Aishath Nayasheen Ahmed - Head of Solutions Mapping at UNDP Maldives, and Hawwa Reena – Legal Counsel and Sustainability Manager at Dhiraagu. The session was moderated by Aishath Zara Nizar, Data Scientist at Dhiraagu.
During the discussion, panelists emphasized the critical role of digital innovation in driving sustainable development. They highlighted the need for collaboration among governments, businesses, and communities to create an ecosystem that fosters innovation and addresses pressing challenges inclusively. By responsibly leveraging digital technologies, they emphasized, societies can pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future for all.
On World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Dhiraagu reaffirmed its commitment to digital innovation as a catalyst for sustainable development. Through continued collaboration and investment in digital infrastructure and solutions, Dhiraagu aims to play a key role in driving positive change and fostering prosperity in the Maldives and beyond.