Actions Have Consequences, Fine Amount Increased for Violators of COVID-19 Safety Measures

Our guide through this pandemic has definitely been the Health Protection Agency (HPA). It is of utmost importance that we follow all instructions by health professions for the safety of not just ourselves, but the whole community as well. However, it is unfortunate that there are a handful of people who choose not to adhere restriction measures. But, actions do have consequences. Whilst HPA has previously set guidelines detailing fine amounts for violators, these have been revised and also, increased, as of yesterday.

Under the revised guidelines, a local first-time offender will face a fine of MVR 1000 for disobeying a guidelines and will be charged an increased amount of MVR 3500 if found to have reoffended for a second-time. On a third-time a fine of MVR 7500 will be incurred whilst from the fourth time onwards, a local continuing to violate the guidelines will be charges a total of MVR 10,000 each time.

If a foreigner is found violating the guidelines, they will be fined by an amount of MVR 5000, MVR 25,000 & MVR 50,000, on the first, second and third time respectively. From the fourth time onwards, they will be charged a total of MVR 100,000 each time.

Moreover, any individual that violates certain rules such as; quarantine or isolation guidelines, attempt to hide information regarding symptomatic individuals or those carrying the virus, enter and exit islands or locations under monitoring etc. can be by any amount they wish even if it is extremely high by a special right conferred to the Authority. 

Photos: Maldives Police Servie