The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) is embarking on a groundbreaking journey by launching the "Hunavaru Welders Development Programme." This innovative initiative is designed to empower individuals aspiring to master the art of welding.
Held at the MTCC shipyard in Thilafushi, this comprehensive training program spans between 3 to 6 months. What sets it apart is not just the invaluable skills participants will acquire but also the financial support that comes with it – an allowance of MVR 8,000.
What makes this opportunity even more remarkable is the flexibility it offers. MTCC has thoughtfully refrained from specifying a closing date for applications, allowing aspiring welders to apply at their convenience. This thoughtful approach ensures that everyone with a passion for welding can seize this chance whenever it suits them best.
Whether you are someone who has always been intrigued by welding or a budding welding enthusiast, this program provides a golden gateway to turn your dreams into a reality. And what's more, it's hosted by MTCC, a reputable name in the industry known for its commitment to excellence.
So, if you've ever dreamed of crafting a future in welding, now is your time. Scan the provided QR code, take that first step, and let the "Hunavaru Welders Development Programme" ignite your welding journey. Don't miss this chance to spark a brighter future with MTCC.