Advancing Further with MSc in Business & Management Offered by Clique College

For all the curious minds wondering what the hype is behind the course, MSc in Business & Management, we are here to bring you all the answers!

Firstly, the program is a one-year advanced postgraduate research degree. It will enable graduates from any discipline to engage with current business processes and techniques to develop career options in business and management. Further to this, it is a golden opportunity for students with a business background to build upon their extant knowledge and develop core Master’s level business and management skills to further their career prospects and stand out from the crowd.

It is specially designed for graduates who are already successfully able to;
· Solve problems for clients and show strong interpersonal skills, such as leadership, communications and teamwork, and who are skilled and confident in stakeholder analysis and management;
· Be entrepreneurial, be fast learners who can multi-task and who are comfortable with change and who can adapt and use different approaches depending on the contextual situation;
· Be able to operate in a digital environment and show leadership in sustainability; and
· Continuously reflect on their experiences and be reflective practitioners

The highlight of this program is the dissertation component set to be entirely based on independent research which would allow the students to undertake advanced research and develop skills and expertise in both the application and critical evaluation of various research methodologies. During this time, as they progress through research and writing stages, students will be assigned expert supervisors who will provide guidance, supervision and build up their confidence. 

Apart from the dissertation component, the program consists of modules on research techniques, leadership, social responsibilities, and marketing that will cover the most up to date and contemporary issues in the field. Here is a detailed brief of all the seven modules covered under the program for your reference;
1. Research Methods – Coursework 50% & Final Exam 50% (theory or practical)
2. Leading, Managing and Developing People – Final Exam 100% (theory or practical)
3. Strategic Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability –  Coursework 50% & Final Exam 50% (theory or practical)
4. Contemporary Issues in Marketing – Coursework 50% & Final Exam 50% (theory or practical)
5. Corporate Accounting and Finance –  Final Exam 100% (theory or practical)
6. Strategic Management – Coursework 50% & Final Exam 50% (theory or practical)
7. Dissertation

The broader aim of the program is to develop students’ management potential by developing their knowledge and understanding of the functional areas of business with a strategic management perspective, and an enterprising approach to leading and managing organizations in a complex and changing environment with focus on;
· Detailed knowledge and understanding of organizations, the dynamic external environments in which they operate, and their management, and leadership;
·  The ability to apply knowledge and understanding of business and management to complex situations to enhance decision making and management practice in general;
· Critical awareness of current trends and issues in business and management, which is informed by contemporary research and practice;
· The ability to learn and work autonomously in the pursuit of creative strategies and business solutions;
·  A range of transferable skills relevant to a career in business and management including leadership, analytical, critical thinking, research and communications skills.

Now the program can be completed within a period of one year and it will open the pathway to PhD programs.

Upon the successful completion of this program graduates will have developed the following skillset;
· The ability to be adaptable and demonstrate originality, insight and critical and reflective skills so as to make informed decisions in complex and unpredictable situations;
· Recognition of the need to keep developing their knowledge and skills through continued professional development, leading to a high level of personal effectiveness, critical self-awareness, and the ability to learn through reflection on practice;
· Awareness of the need for change and the ability to manage it
· Competence in writing reports for both practitioner and academic audiences; independent research, project and time management skills;
· Effectiveness in the utilization of listening, negotiation and persuasion skills, and professional communication skills in general;
· An ability to make effective use of communication and information technology

For more information, visit Clique College website regarding the courses.