Dhiraagu Signs As Development Partner for Table Tennis Association of Maldives

On Sunday, Dhiraagu signed as the exclusive Development Partner of the Table Tennis Association of Maldives (TTAM). TTAM is the governing body for all table tennis-related activities and events organized and hosted in the Maldives. The association is affiliated with the South Asian Table Tennis Federation.

In the past, TTAM has held several international events in the Maldives such as the Commonwealth Youth Tour TT tournament and South Asian Junior Cadet Table Tennis Championship. Currently, TTAM is making preparations for this year’s Inter-School Table Tennis Tournament which is due to be held from 12-20 June 2023. Athletes from 14 schools are expected to participate and compete in the tournament.

The Vice President of TTAM, Ibrahim Shiury remarked, “We would like to extend a warm thank you to Dhiraagu for their continuous support towards the development of table tennis and sports in the Maldives. We look forward to working with the company to bring more international events to the country and promote table tennis players across the country.”

“We are delighted to support the Table Tennis Association of Maldives as their Development Partner. We are extremely proud to see the prestigious awards and recognition brought to the Maldives by our talented players. We hope that the sport achieves great success in the coming years as well,” stated Mohamed Mirshan Hassan, Director, Brand and Marketing Communications at Dhiraagu.