On Thursday, First Lady Fazna Ahmed officially inaugurated the National Disability Registry digital portal at the function held to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022. The ceremony held at the R.Alifushi School was attended by senior government officials, community members and residents of the island.
Speaking at the ceremony, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih stated that the National Disability Registry (NDR) is a crucial component of the administration’s efforts to protect and advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities. The President underscored the work done to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities and mobilize support for their dignity, rights and well-being. He also noted that the registry will help the administration to acquire valuable data and allow the government to drive initiatives addressing the specific needs and requirements of disabled people.
Addressing the audience further, the President remarked that the NDR would also facilitate the provision of disability allowance. In this regard, he added that the allowance is currently under review and the details would soon be published to the public. Shedding light on the skillset and talents of disabled people, President Solih said that the Riveli Exhibition is a standing testimony to that fact.
During the ceremony, the President also conferred the Rivehi Thari Awards to the winners of the Riveli Exhibition. A total of 8 recipients received awards in 4 different categories. The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is marked on the 3rd of December of every year and the theme for 2022 was “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: The role of innovation in fueling an accessible and equitable world”.