On Wednesday, Dhiraagu unveiled its Dhiraagu 2023 Calendar with a theme celebrating inspiring connections. The calendar was publicized at a special ceremony held yesterday at the Dhiraagy Head Office.
The 2023 Calendar is centered around twelve unique individuals and their lives which is captured through colourful illustrations of Augmented Reality (AR) and sound effects. Focusing on four different aspects namely environment, language, craftmanship and music; the calendar follows the story of each of the 12 individuals. Through the four stories, it depicts how all of them are connected to one another and have unknowingly somehow inspired others to do exceptional work in their fields, across generations and professions.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mohamed Mirshan Hassan, Director, Brand & Marketing Communications at Dhiraagu commented “As the Maldivian connection, we wanted to celebrate the inspiring connections of people that have worked to preserve and cultivate the unique traditional heritage of the Maldives. Through this calendar, we hope to inspire a new generation of people and connections to achieve great things similar to these twelve individuals.”
To make use of the calendar, simply scan the Snapchat code on each page of the month and unlock the vivid stories featured that showcase the talents and work of the 12 individuals. Dhiraagu remains committed to enriching lives via cutting-edge connectivity, empowering people to go forward in what they do best.