On Monday, Dhiraagu announced that it has launched high-speed Fire Broadband service on Kolamaafushi island in Gaafu Alifu Atoll. Under this service expansion, residents of Kolamaafushi island can gain access to a wide range of Dhiraagu Home Fibre Broadband packages designed to suit various customer segments. They can also delight in the largest data packages, featuring incredible speeds that are guaranteed to elevate their digital experience.
The service was introduced with a special promotion for the residents. As per this promotion, customers subscribing to a Home Fibre Broadband connection can enjoy free connection and free ONT router. Owing to Dhiraagu’s continuous investments, high-speed Fibre Broadband service has now been extended to 85% of national households across 103 islands in the Maldives.
As a result of this, many communities in the country can acquire unparalleled digital experiences making their lives convenient, smarter and more gratifying. Dhiraagu has played an instrumental role in enriching and empowering the lives of the Maldivian community through strong, inclusive digital communities.