On Tuesday, Dhiraagu announced the introduction of its brand-new Fibre Unlimited Home Internet packages. Revealed at an exclusive press conference held yesterday at Dhiraagu Head Office, Dhiraagu unveiled two dedicated packages, namely the Fibre 50M Unlimited and Fibre 100M Unlimited.
Speaking at the press conference, Dhiraagu Manager Consumer Postpaid, FBB Jana Ibrahim remarked “We are continuously trying to evolve our product portfolio to suit the needs of our customers and offer greater value and options to enrich their digital experience. With the Fibre Unlimited Home Internet packages, customers can experience high-speed internet for their increasing data needs at competitive prices and greater value”.
The Fibre 50M Unlimited is available for MVR 1490 while the Fibre 100M Unlimited is prized at MVR 2800. Customers who are already existing subscribers of the Fibre 50M package have been automatically upgraded to the all-new Fibre 50M Unlimited package with no additional charges applied. As for new customers interested in these packages, Dhiraagu provides a convenient route for application via the Dhiraagu MyAccount portal. In addition to this, Dhiraagu is also offering customers a free setup and free ONT router for every subscription to Fibre Broadband packages for a time-limited period till the end of December 2022. To find out more head to: http://bit.ly/3VXzbwD
Dhiraagu Fibre Broadband network is the biggest high-speed data network in the Maldives, delivering quality Fibre broadband service to 102 islands across the country. It has now reached to 85% of national households, making the lives of communities convenient, digitalized and more gratifying.