Yesterday, the Government of the Maldives initiated the Dhidhdhoo row house development project at a special ceremony held on the island. The occasion was marked by a designated foundation-laying ceremony led by Minister of State for National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, Akram Kamaluddin. The ceremony was attended by ministry officials, members from the Haa Alifu Atoll council and the island council of Dhidhdhoo.
Under this project, the Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure will construct 75 two-story row houses each with a capacity of 700 square feet. The units will each feature three bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living area and a kitchen along with a laundry area and storeroom. Moreover, a park and parking space will also be facilitated under the project.
The row house development project was contracted to SJ Construction Private Limited on a design-and-build basis. The project is valued at a price of USD 7.8 million.
The capital of Haa Alif Atoll, Dhidhdhoo is the 2nd most populated island in the north of the country. As a result of this, the residents of the island have faced many challenges due to the lack of housing space for years. Through the row house development project, it will help ease the housing crisis faced in Dhidhdhoo.