On Monday, Housing Development Corporation (HDC) conducted a study tour for secondary school students. The objective of the tour was to provide students with first-hand knowledge and experience on Smartcom’s digital infrastructure and smart city solutions. The study tour was facilitated to commemorate the first anniversary of HDC’s Open Access Network.
A total of 20 students studying computer science in various schools of Hulhumale’ partook in the study tour. This includes students from Rehedhi School, Huravee School, Ghazee School and Brightway International School. As part of the tour, students were engaged in a presentation and demonstration of the smart bench and pole installed at Hulhumale’ Central Park. In addition to this, the students were also given the rare opportunity to tour the telecommunication towers located in Hulhumale’ and vital information regarding HDC’s Open Access Network was also provided.
Through this study tour HDC hopes to inspire students to pursue careers in computer science and information technology which will increase the number of Maldivians working in the field. Moreover, the tour also provided valuable information about the Smartcom brand and the smart city products being introduced in Hulhumale’ in its path to become a smart city.