Dhiraagu and Women in Tech Maldives has collaborated once more to kick start the fourth program of ‘Girls to Code’ series, due to be held in Laamu Atoll. The Laamu Edition 2022 will comprise of a two-month long program where girls are taught how to code while giving them an insight of the technology field.
Commencing on 25th September 2022, the program invites all girls between the ages of 14-20 years to take part in this educational experience and learn to code. No prior knowledge or experience of computer programming is needed to participate in the program and participation itself is free as well. Exciting aspects of the program include the chance to learn how to develop websites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The training series is initiated by Dhiraagu and Women in Tech Maldives in an effort to foster interest in technology and increase women participation in the field. The very first series of the program was held in Fuvamulah in 2019 while the second series took place in Gdh. Thinadhoo in 2021. The third edition was also hosted in 2021 in Hd. Kulhudhufushi.
Interested candidates from Laamu can now sign up for the program by filling in the application form available at womenintechmv.org . The deadline for registration is 22nd September 2022 so hurry up and get it filled before the time runs out!