Today morning, Census 2022 was inaugurated at a small ceremony held in Dharubaaruge where the census teams were based in. starting from today the census will extend till the 25th of September. President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih attended the ceremony and during his speech urged the public for support in collecting information. He added that data collected via Census can help to plan the country’s future and more importantly pin-point pressing social issues in communities.
This year, the census will cover demographics of people, households and economic activity centres in the Maldives. To cater for information collection process, over 4000 enumerators and 100+ trainers have been deployed in the nation-wide exercise. The census aims to obtain valuable data regarding the country, atolls and islands in the hope of improving essential public services effectively.
Enumerators will conduct both an economic census and a household census during the 2022 edition. Both foreigners and Maldivians will be accounted for during the census and vital information will be collected from each household regarding different areas. This includes age, gender and nationality, migration, level of education, employment, marital status, fertility and many more.
As for the economic census, information will be generated from all businesses within Maldives including shops, restaurants, private companies, gyms bakeries and etc. during the economic census, crucial information relating to employment, revenue, expenditure and registration and ownership will be collected.
The Census 2022 is conducted by the Maldives Bureau of Statistics (MBS). During the census period, enumerators will be visiting places from 9am to 6pm every day and will collect information using digital tablets.