In an effort to advance financial inclusion in the South Asian Region, the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) has recently launched the South Asia Region Financial Inclusion Initiative (SARFII). During the launching, Maldives was announced as the first chair of the initiative for the 2022-2024 term, a role that will filled by the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA). The vice chair of SARFII will be taken up by Nepal Rastra Bank.
The initiative was launched at the currently on-going Global Policy Forum of AFI held in Jordan. Through SARFII, AFI aims to enhance financial inclusion in the region by empowering policymakers and regulatory institutions to implement such measures through the support of one another.
AFI was founded with the goal of establishing a global exchange platform catering for the expansions and improvement of financial inclusion policies. With the common objective of carrying forward financial inclusion at country, regional and international level, AFI has built a network with its partners over its decade of service. With core values such as peer learning, knowledge exchange and peer transformation, the leadership alliance has facilitated implementation of effective policy changes and solutions.