On Thursday, the Government of Japan handed over the renovated medical facility to the Home for People with Special Needs (HPSN) in K. Guraidhoo Island. Furthermore, they also donated essential medical equipment to the HPSN as well. The donation and renovation were facilitated under the Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGP) scheme.
The medical ward and equipment were officially handed over at a ceremony, by the Ambassador of Japan to the Maldives, Her Excellency Mrs. Takeuchi Midori. Valued at USD 1,304,415, the project aims to deliver quality medical and nursing care to the people at the home, particularly the elderly.
The generous assistance came in line with the Grand Contract that was signed on March 16th, 2020 between the Embassy of Japan in Maldives and HPSN. Through this contract, the Embassy of Japan provided funding necessary for the renovation of the medical ward and facilitated in the provision of medical equipment for the emergency room.
The GGP scheme founded in 1996 is part of the Japanese Official Development Assistance (ODA) and aims to empower people at grassroots levels. The GGP scheme is implemented in the Maldives by the Embassy of Japan in Maldives. Through this scheme, it has brought tremendous improvements to key areas of the country such as education, health, transportation and energy with the objective of bringing sustainable development to the country.