STO Takes Another Huge Step by Officially Launching Green Concrete to the Market

State Trading Organization (STO) – the country’s premier source for staples, medicine, fuel and building materials – has officially introduced Green Concrete to the Maldivian market. The initiative comes with the government’s target made towards reaching net-zero emissions by 2030.
So, what is Green Concrete? Conventional concrete is commonly made-up of combination of natural resources such as sand, stone and water. At a time when one of the world’s biggest concern is that of waste pollution challenging a sustainable future, different industries have been exploring mediums to replace everyday materials with upcycled ones. In this regard, ‘Green Concrete’ is made-up of at least one recycled waste material as a core component. 
Originally introduced globally in 1998 by Denmark, the energy consumption needed to make this concrete is rather significantly low then the normal concrete used. Hence, making it a lot more environmentally friendly and guaranteed concrete strength still applicable whilst compared to the normal concrete. For Green Concrete, instead of cement, one notable component that is used to make this is Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag - a by-product of iron in blast-furnace. It mainly consists of silicate and aluminosilicate of melted calcium that periodically needed to be removed from the blast furnace.
STO is no stranger when it comes to introducing the country to modern every-day products and modern development brands. The organization strives for excellence in keeping the communities of Maldives up-to-date with the latest technical inventions across the globe.

Cover photo by STO