There are two distinct seasons in the Maldives. The southwest monsoon (wet season) usually lasts from mid-May to the end of November. From January to March, the northeast monsoon (dry season) occurs. The months of December and April are known as monsoon transitional months.
Around the first or second week of May, the south west monsoon arrives in the Maldives' southern region and moves northwards. The onset is determined by comparing weather data from the stations to the parameters listed below, as well as additional synoptic aspects.
Rainfall - The great majority of southern stations report rainfall of 2.5mm or more for two consecutive days after May 1st. The southern atolls receive an average of 2,218 mm of rainfall each year, while the center and northern atolls receive 1,966 and 1,779 mm, respectively.
Rainfall is usually in the form of showers and does not stay long, with sunny moments in between. Wind - The majority of southern sites reported westerly surface winds of 10 knots or greater for two days in a row.