NextGenGirls Virtual Innovation Tour

Together with Maldives Monetary Authority, Women in Tech Maldives has organized an event to inspire young girls from the Maldives Girl Guides Association to choose ICT as a prospective career path by creating an interactive and safe environment for them to engage with organizations.

As the world continues to modernize every day and greater speeds than ever seen before, opportunities in ICT are endless. During the session with Maldives Customs' Superintendent Aminath Farshana, she had shown the participants the ICT department's works emphasizing areas in ICT that girls could pursue whilst creating innovative solutions built with tech skills.

Right now, ICT is widely integrated into the day-to-day running of the Maldives Civil Service Commission. Director, Applications Development Ansa Saeedintroduced the IT team at CSC and shared an overview of the different internal apps developed by them.

The event will continue with more sessions today, as well as tomorrow before wrapping up. It is a great opportunity for girls to expand their career opportunities and even find their passion in something they never thought was possible before.