Updated Banking Hours for Fitr Eid 1443

Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) has announced changes to its banking services during the Fitr Eid Holidays 1443. The Fitr Eid Holidays begin on 29th April 2022 and will end on 7th May 2022.

Banking services will be available for one day during the holidays. MMA has made an announcement that instead of opening banking services on Wednesday, 4th May 2022, the new plan is to open banking services on Saturday, 30th April 2022.

The services that will be available on that day are as follows:

  • Banking services (Withdrawing and depositing money); 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. Services will be operated in the same manner as usual; an appointment will be required.
  • Collecting letters and/or other documents; 9:30am to 12:00pm

This announcement was made on the 24th of April 2022.