FutureFellows Leadership Program 2022 Opens for Applications!

We'll start this with a little background on the IFRC Solferino Academy. This institute exists to help the RCRC network transform to be fit for the challenges of the future. The Academy works through a variety of methods to promote, showcase and instigate new ways of working across the network. They believe that individuals at all levels can be leaders in the necessary evolution of our organization. This fellowship opportunity focuses specifically on emerging leaders in the RCRC network.
The fellowship program, therefore, is both aimed at helping rising stars in the RCRC network to develop their transformation capabilities as well as supporting the organization as a whole to evolve as is envisioned in Strategy 2030.

This program will be teaching them multiple skills that can be applied anywhere in life such as coaching, collective intelligence, learning & storytelling, and many more.
Anyone who is already a part of the RCRC network can apply to join this program to enhance their skills and they can see if they are eligible right here.
Everyone is expected to send in their application here before the 22nd of April 2022.