Refurbishment of STO Supermart

The Managing Director of State Trading Organization (STO), Hussain Amr, has noted that the large expansion of STO People's Choice Supermart will be fully complete and the store will be reopened to the general public by Ramadan.

Once the expansion is complete, private businesses will also be able to sell their products and services at the newly rebuilt store.

In addition to this, he also detailed that STO Home Improvement located near the Customs area will also be moved to STO Trade Center once it is open for business.

Slots were awarded to parties that sell mobile phones and laptops in Male' City, said Amr commenting on what parties would conduct privately in the center.

“We have awarded a slot to a party that sells mobile phones and laptops on a wide scale in Male’ City. They will sell their products there,” Amr had said.

Furthermore, there will be dedicated shelves for parties carrying out businesses involving toiletries, cosmetics, bakeries, fruits, and vegetables on a wide scale in Male’ City, This would be one of STO's methods of supporting small businesses.

“With this arrangement, businesses based there will gain a larger customer base, whilst having a desirable platform to sell their products,” Amr reasoned.