'Zakat Nafaa' Launched to Help Those That are Less Fortunate.

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development have formed a partnership in order to conduct 'Zakat Nafaa' - a program that will provide financial assistance to those who are less fortunate.

A certain number of people on the register of the poor will be provided financial support through the Zakat Fund, with the goal of developing a self-sufficient society and increasing the number of ways to earn an income.

Under this program, those who are on the list which was compiled by the Islamic Ministry will be given financial support. They are to use this money to find a stable income for themselves, such as starting their own business, which would encourage them to live better lives. One that is full of respect. This, in turn, will contribute to the GDP of the country and individual contributions of citizens will allow for the positive development of the local economy.

It is a 5-year program that will support areas of national development and self-sufficiency. It will also help to enable more opportunities for housing, poultry farming, hydroponics, reef fishing, tailoring, training, on-the-job training, and apprenticeship.