Be Vigilant When Transferring Money!

Bank of Maldives (BML) has urged its users to be vigilant when transferring money via mobile app or internet banking. They suggest always reconfirming the account number and not making transfers to unknown parties.

They emphasize the fact that they will never contact customers asking to transfer funds in any scenario.

This was brought on by the fact that many of BML’s customers have been receiving fake phone calls saying that they are traders. In addition to this, the fact that fake profiles and pages are being made to scam people out of their money has also gotten BML’s attention.

This type of people with malicious intent are running rampant in and outside the borders of the Maldives, through different channels and they are getting smarter and more knowledgeable as well. Hence why it is vital you do not make monetary transactions with parties whom you cannot confirm the identity.