Look Out for These Signs If You Are Feeling Unwell

Minor infections, flu and fast-spreading diseases have a tendency to peak during holiday seasons when movement increases within the society. As we travel to and from islands and other countries for vacation, we must ensure that we are taking ample precautions against fast spreading infections and diseases.  
Health Protection Agency has warned against the recent surge in cases of Diarrhea and Vomiting. The following are some symptoms to look out for: 

  • Giddiness 
  • Severe thirst 
  • Lethargy and unable to drink 
  • Low urine output 
  • Frequent vomiting 
  • Blood in vomit or stool 
  • Severe abdominal pain 

If you are feeling unwell, make sure you take time away from others to rest, and consider the following: 

  • Drink ORS, water, soup, fresh juices, and increase liquid intake 
  • Maintain hand hygiene and wash with soap  
  • Avoid going out into crowded places  

If your symptoms are severe, do not delay in seeking medical attention immediately.