Health Protection Agency has issued guidelines for the public to consider for domestic and inbound travel. A considerable amount of ease is provided to those who have completed the vaccination against COVID19; including being exempt from quarantine measures upon arrival at destination island, and being allowed to travel without presenting PCR tests.
According to the guidelines, people and children who are ineligible for vaccination can also be considered exempt from certain restrictions under special cases. If the destination island fits the vaccination criteria set for its population, and only then, unvaccinated people do not have to quarantine upon arrival. However, this only applies if the person has received official documents from HPA stating the reason why they are ineligible for vaccination.
Travel to islands that does not fit the vaccination criteria set by HPA will require travelers, even those who are ineligible for vaccination, to present a negative PCR test done at least 72 hours prior to departure. Only infants below the age of 1 year is exempt from this requirement.