Sports Like A Pro!

In just 12 months, you can professionally guide focused sports enthusiasts in developing their skills with the Diploma in Sports and Exercise provided by Clique College.  
A wholesome approach towards excelling in sports requires proper theoretical and practical knowledge. The intense 12-month program is designed on scientific approaches that will rigorously train you in the aspects of sports nutrition, training strategies, performance improvement and more, so that by the end of it, you will have the ability to analyze sports in a range of ways. 

There is a growing demand for sport, health, exercise and fitness practitioners in today's world where more and more people are returning back to an active lifestyle. With this diploma training, graduates can work as a personal trainer, sports coach, Physical Education teacher, fitness instructor or even manage a fitness center. The tactics learnt during the course can be utilized to, but is not limited to, helping health-conscious individuals, gym members, and corporate clients to improve their performances and fitness levels. 
Become industry ready with this program that not only makes you a knowledgeable trainer, but will be instrumental in enhancing your performance analysis, sports conditioning and coaching science.  
Applications are being accepted until the week so go ahead and APPLY NOW! If you are not sure whether this is the right program for you, Clique College has a diverse portfolio of courses on offer. Just give a call to 7728019 to find out what will work best for you.