It is Greener and Sustainable at the AgroEcology Farm of Nolhivaram Island

Nolhivaram in Haa Dhaalu Atoll is an inhabited island located at the north of Maldives which is home to a small community of about less than 3000 people. An Integrated AgroEcology Farming project was conducted to its residents; led by the GEAR Cooperative Society which was implemented in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). AgroEcological Farming is a key to a sustainable future as it is centered around a holistic approach of food production by making full use of natural resources without harming them.

(Photo: UNDP)

Training was given to thirty farmers ranging from the ages of 15 to 56; including 20 women and 10 men on hydroponic farming, soil-based farming and compost-making using household waste in addition to coaching them on the basics of plant pathology and entomology. Participants reports learning new ways of farming with attention to what is required in various growth phases of the plants as well as how to adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions and parasitic microorganisms causing diseases to plants which is anticipated to be extremely beneficial and helpful on the long run.

The Integrated AgroEcology Farming project was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) under its Small Grants Program.

Farmers from the island of Nolhivaram expressed their necessity for additional training programs in order to increase the capacity of their farms to commercialize the work and earn a worthwhile income. 
(Cover Photo: UNDP)