For decades, scientists have always urged people to reduce their carbon imprint. However, no matter how advanced we are, there is always a huge room for error. As per the latest analysis released by Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), with more current emissions and industrials in place, the global warming could take effect to go beyond 1.5oC.
If we could maintain the global warming at 1.5oC, it could save us from years and years of devastating climate change specially to a small and vulnerable country like ours. We could be facing intense rainfalls, flooding and dangerously rising sea levels if global warming increases beyond 1.5oC.
Apart from weather extremes, we will also face critical health and agricultural tolerance levels. Hence, if we could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we could avoid the disastrous changes. Although it might take 25 to 30 years to see the difference we are making, we are still assuring a better future for our next generations.
IPCC released a report that was approved by 196 countries after 2 weeks of deliberation since July 26th. The first ever report to be approved online, this report was compiled by 234 authors and 516 co-authors from 66 countries and is based on the physical sciences of climate change focused on past, present and future changes and likelihood impacts made on climate change.