HPA Lists Out Strict Rules For Unvaccinated People From September 1st Onwards

While the world works hand in hand to fight against the pandemic of the century, COVID19, there are still some people who have mixed feelings towards vaccination. Even though it’s natural to have doubts at first, scientists and medical officials are working tirelessly to prove the benefits and protection vaccines are giving against the rapidly evolving virus.  

The small population of people who are not vaccinated will be facing difficulties in the future in using public services. The Health Protection Agency sent out a notice yesterday authorizing service providers to impose restrictions to those who are not vaccinated. It lists out the facilities where such restrictions can be implemented starting from September 1st onwards. 

  • Restricted rules in places serving food. (Eg: Café’s, Restaurants etc). 
  • Restricted rules in gym facilities, saloons and cinemas. 
  • Restricted rules in flying onboard domestic flights and using public transport. 
  • Un-vaccinated people who provide customer services face-to-face will have restricted rules. 
  • Un-vaccinated people will have new rules when going to offices. 

If this isn’t a wake-up call to get vaccinated in order to avoid such measures, then I do not know what is. Please get vaccinated people! For the sake of our future generations and to get back to our normal lives.