Signing of Hiyaa Flat Awardees Resumed by HDC

On Wednesday, Housing Development Corporation announced the sudden discontinuation of the signing of Hiyaa Flat agreements upon news of one of the coordinators involved in the process testing positive for Covid19. Since the procedure was being carried out in person and with high volumes of people rolling in a single day, it was deemed best to discontinue despite the delays it will cause, considering the health and safety of all others involved.  
6720 Hiyaa Flat awardees were being scheduled to sign the respective agreements. After discontinuing the process starting from 10 a.m. on Wednesday morning, HDC has shared the announcement of it resuming starting today.  
Those attending the signing from the public are advised to bring their own pens and ink pads when they visit according to the set timetables. They are in place to prevent from congestion at the venue therefore, HDC urges to limit the number of people attending the signing process to 2. Moreover, in order to prevent further delays in the process, everyone is advised to maintain social distancing, wear masks at all times and to carry a sanitizer for personal use.  
The new timetable for the signing is as follows: