#Netuheyo was brought to life on July, 2021. As a part of reducing the internet rates to bring even the lowest internet packages upto national minimum broadband throttle speed of 2mbps. When the new internet laws took effect, relevant authorities were able to oversee and monitor the quality of internet packages available in the country, along with maintaining standard speeds and rates.
However, since it is a fairly new project by the Ministry of Environment, Climate change and Technology, minor issues are bound to happen. Therefore, the ministry has made 1515 as a communication number that can be contacted on government opening days on official time.
If there is anything that needs to be informed regarding the services provided by the main internet providers in the country to Communication Authority of Maldives, then please contact 1515 and share with them your concerns and issues. You can also contact them regarding any business with CAM as well.
Hopefully with #NetuHeyo and the contact number 1515 in place, it will lead to a path of solving such issues between the customer and the provider.