Meter Parking Systems. Yay Or Nay?

Male’ City Council announces the installations of Meter parking systems in the busy and congested Male’ roads. As part of working for a better future and finding more sustainable solutions and to our developing country, with meter parking systems installed, could this be a solution or a headache for the parking issues the city face? 

With every city using this system in the world, parking systems are known to be more secured and has more than one option when it comes to payment. It has reduced initial capital costs and the users can have speedy entries and exits when parking.  

Although, validation could be challenging as it’s a pre-pay system. Sometimes the user might forget their license plater number or have difficulty dealing with the machine. Plus no one wants to walk back to their vehicle to see a parking ticket waiting for them. In the modern world when smarter solutions are all around us, is a traditional parking system really the best way to go? 

So what do you think? Will you use it? Or pass?