First Ever Self-Service Petrol Shed To Be Built in Male’ By FSM

FSM plans on commencing the work of building a self-service petrol shed in Male’. It would be the first of its kind in the Maldives. 

Work will commence within the upcoming two or three months. The petrol shed would be located in the industrial village in Male’.   

Architectural drawings and final work have also begun. The Petrol station would be built within and including the petrol station which is already in the Industrialization village.  

The petrol shed would be built in a way that it can provide service to 14 cycles, big and heavy vehicles such as cars and pickups at the same time. 

Managing Director, Mohamed Gasam has mentioned that before building the self-service stations, an existing petrol shed would be turned into a self-service shed. The work was on hold due to the ongoing pandemic and he hopes to change it at the quickest possible time.