Littering has always been a problem in the Maldives. Specially, littering in the ocean. Not only is this really bad for our environment, it is also known to be causing a lot of damage to our beautiful marine life and to our delicate reefs.
So how do we stop this once and for all? There are many organizations and charities that work non stop on spreading awareness and hosting events like beach cleanups, ocean clean ups and reef restoration. However, this is not enough.
We, as a country, need to be more responsible and understanding towards the mother earth that we reside in. If we don’t give it love, who will? Aliens?
One of the remarkable organizations working tirelessly for a better future in Maldives is Save The Beach. They alone have collected over 22 jumbo bags of trash from Villimale’ in one month. These trashes came from the island school, various households, the police station and from the beach area.
Most of the plastics collected near the shore are very likely to have drifted from the ocean. The organization is sending the plastics collected to parley for recycling.
So why do humans litter the Earth? Most of them throw the trash thinking another human will pick it up. This overtime becomes piles of trash around the island. Why not change this mindset and set our own footprint towards carbon reduction? Be a role-model for the younger generations. Teach them the value of reusing, reducing and recycling. Teach them to avoid single-use plastics and to use alternate options like glass or paper.
Do your part people! Save our beaches. Save our ocean. Save our mother earth!