First Lady Fazna Ahmed to Address ‘Class of Covid19; You Are Not Alone’ on Next Step by Clique College

The education sector was impacted in the worst way possible by the Covid19 pandemic. It can also be said that education took a toll for the better, because the past year has taught us how to adapt to uncertain situations and prosper through unimaginable difficulties.  
For the first time in Maldives’ history, all classes were taken on different online platforms, teachers and students were meeting and greeting through screens. The academic calendar was revised, exams postponed, schools left empty. Behind the screens, even bigger changes were coming to life as both students and teachers were fighting silent battles to cope up with the pressures of the pandemic.  
First Lady, Madam Fazna Ibrahim will be addressing the Class of ‘Covid19; You are Not Alone’ on tomorrow night’s episode of Next Step – Second Edition of Career Guidance & Higher Education Expo by Clique College. Her words of encouragement will leave us looking ahead for the upcoming academic year with hope and strength.  
Join the First Lady at 8 p.m. on Sunday night, via Facebook Live with Clique College.