Need A Loan To Finance Your New Hiyaa Flat? Apply For The Home Improvement Schemes By BML

The Bank of Maldives has launched a new loan and financing product to facilitate the beneficiaries of the Hiyaa Social Housing Program to obtain financing

Home Improvement Loan financing is given to finance for the finishing and furnishing the Hiyaa flats. Financing is available from MVR 25,000 to MVR 150,000 to recipients of social housing. Financing period is up to 5 years and no further guarantee, equity, deposit or security is required. 

Home Improvement Loan holds an interest rate of 12%. From MVR25,000 up to MVR 150,000 can be borrowed. No additional security required and it can be repaid over 5 years. Moreover, no equity or guarantor required.  
Eligibity criteria which applies to both the schemes; 

  • Applicable for Maldivians aged between 18 and 60 years 
  • Income from all sources such as salary, business income, rent income will be considered 
  • Repayments of other credit facilities should be satisfactory for the past 12 months 
  • Income from all sources such as salary, business income, rent income will be considered 

To apply for the home improvement finance, Submit Home Improvement Financing Application via
registered email to or via Internet Banking. Submit the Home Improvement Loan Plus application form along with the required documents to BML Loan Centre.