It is evident that England has no historic win at this stage against Germany but the new squad is holding on to their strengths. Germany on the other hand, is pushing forward with an ‘all or nothing’ attitude. Can history be made in this tournament that has nothing but surprised us so far?
Mohamed Aleef joining us today is a supporter of Portugal who have unfortunately been removed from their reign as champions. Energetix Sanchez and the unmistakable Ronaldo with the rest of the team were unable to hold their title against Belgium who has been ticking off one success after the other in the tournament since qualifying.
Despite the loss of his favorite team, Aleef still tunes in to the games since UEFA EURO 2020 has made even the ‘insignificant’ matches interesting. Teams the usual crowds do not know about have shown great enthusiasm in their play. Spain remains another close favorite of Aleef and he says the team has got what it takes to win the title this year.
Being a huge football fan and player, Aleef enjoys the crowd fun within the friend circle when watching the games. Because everyone supports a different team, the competition remains high.
Here’s what Aleef thinks will happen in tonight’s games, the last of the round of 16. What do you think?