Worried About Not Being Ready for Field Experience?

While in school, we dream of completing our studies and starting a job, building a career, some even plan on becoming entrepreneurs. The challenges begin as soon as we start looking for a new job – every description demands a certain set of qualifications and skillsets which we realize that in most cases, we are unfamiliar with. When at work, we are disappointed with how less we know about the actual field experience and this leads to demotivation and lacking behind on achieving our dreams.  
In tomorrow night’s episode of ‘Next Step’ - Second Edition of Career Guidance & Higher Education Expo by Clique College, President of the College, Dr. Naushad Mohamed will be speaking on the topic of ‘How to build a successful career’.  
With his many years of expertise in various capacities, Dr. Naushad will be throwing light on the simple skills that you can learn by yourselves, which are not taught in school curriculums. By learning how to present yourself properly, you build a level of confidence that is essential in taking significant steps forward towards success in your career. Dr. Naushad will also be available for a Q&A session during the episode so you can present any doubts you have too.  
All recent graduates from both O’Levels and A’Levels are invited to take part in tomorrow night’s episode – Join for FREE on Facebook Live on Clique College page – at 8 p.m.