Zain’s Take on UEFA EURO 2020 – Coral Glass Community Foari

Portugal has been one of the most popular teams from our coverage and Mohamed Zain Shafig joining us today is a fan too. And like every Portugal fan, Zain is invested in Christiano Ronaldo leading the team to a defending win.  
Ronaldo has scored 5 goals in the tournament, making him the highest scorer yet. Can he keep this up in their match tonight, up against the formidable Red Devils? Portugal has to up their game and give it all they got looking back on their bumpy ride so far. Zain predicts that Germany and France could be tough competition to Portugal in the matches to come.  
Zain’s household goes wild for football since he is related to the nation’s football legend, Ali Ashfaq. It is equally exciting among his friend circle where supporters of different teams make it very competitive to tune in for the UEFA EURO 2020 games.  
Here is what Zain thinks will be the score of the matches ahead. Are they similar to your predictions?