Environment Minister Visits STELCO

Yesterday, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology visited the site at STELCO. The aim of the visit was to get an overview on the ongoing initiatives by STELCO.  
Minister Shauna was greeted by Managing Director of STELCO, Hassan Mughnee. They discussed the ongoing work of the Greater Male’ Interconnection project and she requested to wrap up the project by the end of July. This will be the ultimate solution to the utility provision in the region in the most effective manner.  
According to STELCO, the installation of distribution systems and transformers are completed now. Installation of the transfer cables are underway. To sum up, 93% of the project has been completed.  
Furthermore, Minister Shauna also inquired about the STELCO’s Green Life service and ways to incentivise switching to sunshine and expanding the clean energy program during her visit.