Mosques Open for Use but with Precautions

On May 19, 2021, when the upsurge of Covid in the Greater Male’ Region had peaked like never before, decisions were taken by concerned authorities to strengthen strict safety measures. One aspect of the newly announced restrictive measures was closing of mosques for congregated prayers, in light of the fact that safety guidelines set by Health Protection Agency were not being followed in the mosques.  
This decision was agreed upon by the Islamic academia considering the ongoing pandemic situation. It had taken a steep hike upwards and spread terror among the public as death tolls also started rising fast during the first weeks of the last month.  
However, a small number of people continued to attend prayers at the mosques henceforth, Ministry of Islamic Affairs has arranged for the services to be carried out in 37 of the 40 mosques in the Greater Male region. All these mosques will have facilities arranged for ablution, praying individually, and usage of toilets in the premises. Health authorities advice to wear mask at all times, and to carry a personal prayer mat when going to the mosque.  
Furthermore, the Ministry advices the public to hold closely to faith in these trying times and to make it an individual responsibility to take all precautionary measures to curb the virus spread at all times.